Дягиль – ценное лекарственное растение. Хорошо используется в народной медицине. Благодаря сильному сладковато-пряному запаху цветов, оно активно привлекает пчел, поэтому обладает высокой производительностью. Мёд, собранный с соцветий дягиля обладает высокими полезными свойствами.
Natural honey and beekeeping products obtained from farms (apiaries) and the administrative territory in accordance with regionalization, free from dangerous infectious diseases of agricultural and domestic animals, as well as: American foulbrood, European foulbrood, nosematosis - within the last 3 months for territory of the economy.
Honey and bee products are not allowed for circulation:
The presence in natural honey and beekeeping products of residues of such drugs as chloramphenicol, chlorpharmazine, colchicine, dapsone, dimetridazole, nitrofurans, ronidazole, as well as coumaphos - no more than 100 μg / kg and amitraz - no more than 200 μg / kg.
The manufacturer must indicate all pesticides that have been used in the collection of honey and the production of bee products.
Beekeepers, honey producers, entrepreneurs, bee producers, as well as all those who have honey in need of processing and packaging for further sale to retail chains, marketplaces, for export, etc. Why should you entrust this work to us? We have all the necessary equipment for high-quality processing of honey, as well as all the necessary documents and permits, you do not need to waste your time and money on obtaining declarations, veterinary documents and certification. And most importantly, you do not need to take risks and invest a lot of money in your production, you can devote more time to promoting your own brand and finding new markets.
Contact us in a way that is convenient for you (mail, whatsapp, telegram, instagram), describe to us your task, namely: the estimated volumes of honey, in which container it is necessary to pack, if honey is being prepared for export, then to which country. We will contact you to clarify the details in the near future. Although contract bottling and processing of your honey implies our work from raw materials (honey, bee products, etc.) and related materials, such as packaging, label, box, we will not leave you alone with this task. We will help you find a designer and a printing house for you so that you can create an image of your products. We will tell you where to buy containers - cans, lids, barrels, kubotainers, plastic buckets, wooden barrels, etc. If you need a small volume and you want to use the container that we use, you can purchase it from us.
Processing of honey costs 15-35 rubles / kg, depending on the technical specification of the customer. Packing in consumer containers – 10 rubles / piece.